| The online service, set up last year, also offers free training activities

The Almassora Empresas website, through the ‘Management’ section, has registered 559 job seekers and 26 companies have sent their job offers. Since its creation last May, 57.8% are women and 42.2% men of the total number of registered users of the online service. The platform also offers registered staff free training actions to improve their CVs. In this way, the council’s Economic Promotion and Employment department acts as an intermediary between job seekers and firms interested in expanding their workforces.

In addition, the job offers published on this platform also appear on the web portal of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE). The council has 17 companies currently active on ‘Gestionándote’. All candidates, both job seekers and the companies themselves, can register via the following link: https://gestionandote.com/agencia/almassora . In this way, the City Council facilitates the process of finding employees for the participating companies.

The Councillor for Employment, Javier Martí, reminded citizens that «they can register on our online portal to have access to different job offers and also to free training courses that will improve their employability in the future». «We are very happy with the data provided by the technicians of the department but we still aspire to reach a greater number of users,» said the mayor.

Currently, ‘Gestionándote’ has active registration for the following courses related to digital skills: labour orientation of the Pacte Ceràmic (labour information for the acquisition of new skills and personal resources in order to be able to deal effectively with the process), digital certificate (training in the installation and use of it), basic computer (basic knowledge and use of the computer at user level) and word processing (teaching the preparation of written documents).

Employment workshop

It is worth remembering that last week Almassora started a new employment workshop with three specialities and 30 people hired for a year. 10 in administration (eight women and two men), 10 in bricklaying (six women and four men) and 10 in gardening (six women and four men). This means that 66.6% of the people hired are women. At the moment, Almassora has 1,731 unemployed people, 62.3% of whom are women.