| CVs are sent through the Management section

More than 180 jobseekers have registered their application through the new website Almassora Business, specifically through the Management section. The job intermediation and training platform has also already received the first offers from companies looking for staff for their workforces. Both candidates and companies can register via the link: «https://gestionandote.com/agencia/almassora» enabled thanks to the subsidy of the Valencian Innovation Agency

The majority of candidates who have registered on the job portal are long-term unemployed with basic education. Nevertheless, there are also other types of applications. Not surprisingly, the Almassora Employment Department encourages students and recent graduates looking for their first job to register, given that companies are also looking for candidates who fit this professional profile. All registered job offers appear on the municipal portal and on the SEPE employment portal.

The council has appealed to companies to register and publish their job offers in order to facilitate the process of finding candidates. At the same time, it has reminded those seeking to enter the labour market or get a better job, that the Almassora Business website also includes a section for courses. Currently available for booking are courses in industrial cleaning, basic training in care for dependent people, and introduction to computer skills for employment, the latter offered by the Ceramics Pact, of which Almassora is a member.

The website submitted this week also includes other sections, such as the «Economic profile and industrial areas», which explains in detail the characteristics of each of the 14 industrial estates located in the municipality. It provides information on the development of the plots of land available for each industrial sector and the surface area they occupy for those interested in locating their business in the town.

This segment can also consult the section «Invest in Almassora» to know more about the tax and location advantages of setting up in the municipality. In particular, it provides information on the different subsidies available, the R&D&I and educational offer, the geographical location of the industrial estates and communications, among others.